Wednesday, March 14, 2007

josephine potter!

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joey got drunk.
that is all for today

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

another epic dawson's creek

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joey and dawson are assigned a project on the two men of verona, a story (conveniently) about two men who's friendship suffers when a woman they both love is thrown into the middle.

jen is still sulking over the recent break up between herself and her long distance boyfriend, henry.

andie has a difficult colledge interview with a woman who believes her mental problems will stand in the way of her being successful in an ivy league school.

pacey and jen decide to spend the afternoon sailing while dawson and joey work on their project.
unbeknowst to them, a storm is on the way.

the storm hits and pacey and jen are stranded. the radio shorts out and they're forced to sail into a cove that only dawson and pacey know about.

joey is back on land freaking out about pacey. the yacht club can't find them. dawson remembers the cove and steals an old man's boat to rescue jen and pacey. joey insists on coming with him.

andie takes control of the yacht club and proves that she can handle pressure, proving her interviewer wrong.

dawson saves the day, and pacey has to leave behind his precious boat. they all come back safely.

pacey heads over to dawson's to talk to him, say thank you, yada yada yada. he also apologizes for ruining their friendship.

this episode had me on the edge of my seat.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


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pacey and dawson continue their fight over the wonderful joey potter.
dawson's mother's restaurant is sponsering pacey and his boat, true love, in capeside's regatta.
dawson decides he's going to enter the regatta, sponsered by potter's B&B. this obviously upsets joey.
dawson's parents are fighting again about the regatta. dawson's father is helping him in the race, and dawson's mother is pulling for pacey, because he's sponsered by the restaurant.

the big race happens, and at the end, dawson's boat and pacey's boat are both heading for the same port. pacey has the right of way, but dawson refuses to pull back and pacey is forced to pull back. dawson's boat is disqualified and pacey's boat comes in 5th.
pacey and dawson fight over this, and joey explodes.

dawson explains to joey that he's 'never wanted her more' which she is disgusted about. she needs a friend. A FRIEND!! not another boy who's in love with her. dawson says he'll do whatever she wants, and joey storms off.

pacey's good friend (and andie's recent fling) will heads home, and tells pacey 'not to give up on true love. it always wins'

jen's boyfriend henry is forgiven after she freaks out at him for his pleading for sex.

dawson's parents make up after their fight. gail closes the restaurant for the night and they have a romantic dinner.

andie comes to visit pacey at his boat and tells him she doesn't hate him. joey goes to dawson's house to watch E.T. with him. their childhood favorite movie.

every week day, 10am...

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i spend my time with these kids.
i was never able to enjoy this show when the episodes were new. but now, every morning, i wake up just in time to watch the trials and tribulations of the capeside kids.

here is my daily blog. dedicated to the happenings on dawson's creek